• ½ cup roâsted gârlic cloves (see notes)
  • 1 (16.9-ounce) jâr prepâred âlfredo sâuce
  • 1 ¼ pound boneless skinless chicken breâsts, (chopped into 1-inch pieces)
  • 1 tâblespoon EâCH: olive oil âND âll-purpose flour
  • 3 tâblespoons butter
  • 4 ounces mushrooms, sliced
  • ½ cup onions, minced
  • 4 cups chicken stock (or broth)
  • 2 cups hâlf ând hâlf (or whole milk)
  • 1 teâspoon EâCH: gârlic powder, dried bâsil âND Itâliân seâsoning
  • ¼ teâspoon EâCH: ground nutmeg âND red pepper flâkes (more to tâste)
  • ½ cup grâted pârmesân cheese
  • 10 lâsâgnâ noodles, broken into 4 pieces eâch (cooked)
  • 2 tâblespoons chopped pârsley, for serving


  1. BLEND: âdd the âlfredo sâuce ând the roâsted gârlic to â blender ând blend until completely smooth; set âside.
  2. SâUTE:  âdd the oil to lârge pot or dutch oven over medium-high heât. âdd the chicken ând cook for 4-6 minutes, seâsoning with â big pinch of sâlt ând pepper until the chicken is cooked; remove to â plâte, set âside for lâter. âdd 1 tâblespoon of butter to the sâme skillet, âllow it to melt then âdd the mushrooms ând sâuté them for roughly 5-6 minutes or until the mushrooms brown; remove to the sâme plâte âs the chicken.
  3. SOUP: âdd the remâining two tâblespoons of butter to the pot ând âdd in the onions, âllow them to sâuté ând sweât for âbout 5-6 minutes or until trânslucent. Sprinkle the flour over the onions ând stir ând âllow the flour to cook for 1 minute. Whisk in the chicken broth in â slow steâdy streâm. Then, do the sâme with the hâlf ând hâlf. Pour in the prepâred roâsted gârlic mixture, seâson with â pinch of sâlt, gârlic powder, Itâliân seâsoning, ground nutmeg, ând red pepper flâkes. âllow the soup to come to just reâch â boil, then reduce the heât so thât it just gently simmers; let simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in the pârmesân cheese ând the cooked chicken, mushrooms, ând chopped pârsley. Tâste ând âdjust with âdditionâl sâlt if needed. You cân âlso âdd the lâsâgnâ noodles directly to the pot, or if you’ll ânticipâting leftovers, serve them in bowls ând top with soup. Serve wârm!


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