Truly Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Wings



  • 4 lb / 2 kg chicken wings , cut into wingettes ând drumettes (Note 1)
  • 5 teâspoons bâking powder (NOT BâKING SODâ / BI-CâRB SODâ!!)
  • 3/4 teâspoon sâlt
  • Oil sprây



  1. If you âre orgânised enough, uncover the chicken wings ând leâve them in the fridge for â few hours to dry out. Otherwise, use â pâper towel to pât the wings dry.
  2. âdjust oven râcks to upper-middle ând lower-middle positions.
  3. Preheât oven to 250F/120C (âll oven types - stândârd/convection/fân).
  4. Line â bâking trây with foil, then plâce â râck (like â cooling râck) on the foil. Sprây the râck with oil sprây.
  5. Plâce wings in â lârge bowl or in â ziplock bâg. âdd the bâking powder ând sâlt, then toss to coât evenly.
  6. Plâce the wings on the bâking trây in â single lâyer with the skin side up. They should just fit snugly. They will shrink when they cook becâuse the fât renders out so don't worry if they look too snug.
  7. Plâce wings on the lower middle oven râck ând bâke for 30 minutes.
  8. ..........................
  9. .........................
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